Qrantlar 19.05.2023 16:16 9798

ABŞ səfirliyi müsabiqə elan edir

ABŞ-ın Azərbaycandakı Səfirliyi böyük məmnuniyyətlə 2024-2025-ci tədris ili üçün FULBRIGHT FOREIGN STUDENT PROGRAM müsabiqəsini elan edir.
Proqram Azərbaycandan olan gənc mütəxəssislərə bütün sahələr üzrə magistr təhsili almaq üçün ABŞ universitetlərində bir il və ya daha uzun müddət təhsil almağa imkan verir. FULBRIGHT qrantları müxtəlif fənlər və sahələr üçün mövcuddur:





The Embassy of the United States in Azerbaijan is pleased to announce the Fulbright Foreign Student Program competition for the 2024-2025 academic year.  The program enables young professionals from Azerbaijan to study for one year or longer at U.S. universities to pursue a master’s level of study in the all the fields. Fulbright grants are available for a variety of disciplines and fields; however, priority will be given to the following fields of study:

  • STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)
  • Agriculture
  • Education
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Energy
  • Economic Development
  • Journalism and Communication
  • Public Administration
  • Public Policy
  • Public Health
  • Social Work
  • Urban Planning
  • Tourism
  • Law


The Fulbright program calls for applications in all the fields of study with the exception and preferences as below:

Applications in the field of business administration leading to the MBA degree are not eligible.

The Fulbright Program will also not fund applicants seeking to enroll in a medical degree program nor does it offer grants to those who wish to conduct clinical medical research or training involving patient care and/or contact.


The Institute of International Education is responsible for requesting and confirming placement of students at the universities in the U.S.


Participants are selected through an open, merit-based competition.  This prestigious award covers tuition and fees at a U.S. university, a monthly living stipend, health insurance, and international airfare.


Eligibility requirements

  • Applicants must be citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan and/or be permanent resident qualified to hold a valid Azerbaijani passport. Permanent U.S. residents and persons with dual (Azerbaijan and U.S.) citizenship are ineligible. Applicants must reside in Azerbaijan.
  • Applicants must have completed their undergraduate education.
  • Applicants must be proficient in oral and written English.
  • Applicants must be eligible for a J-1 visa, which requires the grantee to return to Azerbaijan for a minimum of two years at the end of the grant period.
  • Applicants already studying in the U.S. are ineligible for a Fulbright grant.
  • Applicants must receive a satisfactory medical clearance. (Selected applicants must meet U.S. university and health requirements, including immunization. Selected applicants must provide proof of full vaccination against COVID-19.)


General Selection Criteria

  • Strong academic record
  • Adaptability and personal suitability
  • Preference is given to applicants who have not had a prior opportunity for studying in the United States.


All applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, and sex.


  • Tuition, living stipend, and travel and academic allowances.
  • Opportunity to experience life in the United States and share your culture with Americans.
  • Pre-academic training and enrichment seminars.
  • Induction into the global Fulbright alumni network.
  • Opportunity to earn a graduate degree in a field of your choice from an American university.

Selection Procedures

  • Applications are subject to pre-screening.
  • Applicants recommended by reviewers are invited for an interview conducted in person in English by a selection committee comprised of Embassy representatives, U.S. and Azerbaijan scholars, and Fulbright alumni.
  • Nominees are subject to final approval by the Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board.


How to apply

Completed applications must include:

  • Online 2024-2025 application at:https://apply.iie.org/ffsp2024 (instructions for completing the application can be found here);
  • Three (3) Letters of Reference (can be submitted online by instructors, professors or work supervisors, or sent via e-mail to the U.S. Embassy);
  • Personal Statement essay (~ 600-1000 words)
  • Field of Study essay (~ 500 words)
  • Curriculum Vitae/Resume
  • Academic transcripts/diplomas (certified translation into English or verified copies of original academic transcript and degree certificate – scanned and attached to the application);
  • Valid results from the U.S. standardized tests – TOEFL (required for all candidates) and GRE (required in most fields of study) – if the applicant has taken these tests in the past two years.IF AVAILABLE, submit standardized test scores by the time of application submission (minimum TOEFL IBT 90 and IBT 100 for LLM students or IELTS 7.0); otherwise only short-listed candidates will be required to take the official TOEFL and GRE tests in October-November 2023 with provided free vouchers. Note: Semi-finalist’s inability to achieve required score in allocated timeframe will result in dismissal from the nomination process.
  • Copy of passport.


Please scan all the above-mentioned documents and upload to your online application.  


Please note that all items should be translated into English.

Nominated candidates will have to submit a copy of their original academic transcript bearing all official, notarized stamps to U.S. Embassy Baku.  No need to submit original transcripts at the application stage.

Application Deadline: July 31, 2023 (11:59 pm)

Link to the application:


Any application submitted to the United States or elsewhere, separate from the official system noted above, will not be considered.


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